71 Guardian Angel Quotes from Around the World

The concept of guardian angels transcends borders and cultures. From whispered prayers to ancient texts, the belief in a protective, guiding spirit is a thread woven through the tapestry of our experience. In this post, we’ll explore the beautiful and diverse ways that guardian angels are expressed through quotes in different languages.

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Guardian Angel Quotes from Worldwide


  1. “Angels are always near to those who are grieving, to whisper to them that their loved ones are safe in the hand of God.” – Eileen Elias Freeman
  2. “When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice.” – Native American Proverb (sometimes attributed as Cherokee)
  3. “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.” – Psalm 91:11
  4. “A guardian angel o’er his life presiding, Doubling his pleasures, and his cares dividing.” – Samuel Rogers
  5. “To believe in angels is to open our hearts to the possibility of miracles.” – Unknown

Guardian Angel Quotes


  1. “Los ángeles pueden volar porque se toman a la ligera.” – G.K. Chesterton
    (Translation: “Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly.”)
  2. “Cree en los ángeles pero no les confíes demasiado tu jardín.” – Proverbio Español
    (Translation: “Believe in angels but don’t entrust your garden to them too much.”)
  3. “Cada suspiro es como un canto de ángeles.” – Proverbio Español
    (Translation: “Every sigh is like a song of angels.”)


  1. “Une vie sans amour est comme un jardin sans soleil.” – Proverbe Français
    (Translation: “A life without love is like a garden without sun.”)
  2. “Nos anges gardiens sont nos plus fidèles amis, car ils sont avec nous lorsque joyeuses larmes ou tristes coulent de nos yeux.” – Anonyme
    (Translation: “Our guardian angels are our most faithful friends, because they are with us when joyous or sorrowful tears flow from our eyes.”)


  1. “Engel sind wie Blumen, sie erfüllen die Welt mit ihrer Schönheit.” – Unknown
    (Translation: “Angels are like flowers, they fill the world with their beauty.”)
  2. “Jeder Mensch bekommt einen Schutzengel, erst im Himmel erfährt er, wie der aussah.” – Jean Paul
    (Translation: “Every person receives a guardian angel; only in heaven will they learn what the angel looked like.”)


  1. “Gli angeli sono sempre vicini a chi soffre, per sussurrargli che i propri cari sono al sicuro nella mano di Dio.” – Eileen Elias Freeman
    (Translation of the earlier English quote)
  2. “Gli angeli ci proteggono dai pericoli che altrimenti non potremmo evitare.”– Proverbio Italiano
    (Translation: “Angels protect us from dangers we might not otherwise avoid.”)


  1. “天使は私たちが気づかない危険から私たちを守ってくれます。”
    (Tenshi wa watashitachi ga kidzukanai kiken kara watashitachi o mamotte kuremasu.)
    (Translation: “Angels protect us from dangers we wouldn’t otherwise notice.”)
  2. “天使は、落ち込んだ時に助けてくれる見えない手です。”
    (Tenshi wa, ochikonda toki ni tasukete kureru mienai te desu.)
    (Translation: “Angels are unseen hands helping us when we are down.”)


  1. “الملائكة تحيط بنا، تؤنس وحشتنا وتبعث فينا روح الطمأنينة.”
    (Translation: “Angels surround us, comfort our loneliness and instill tranquility in our souls.”)
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  1. “天使在我们身边,指引着我们走上正确的道路。”
    (Tiānshǐ zài wǒmen shēnbiān, zhǐyǐn zhe wǒmen zǒu shàng zhèngquè de dàolù.)
    (Translation: “Angels are by our side, guiding us on the right path.”)

  2. “守护天使照亮我们最黑暗的时刻。”
    (Shǒuhù tiānshǐ zhàoliàng wǒmen zuì hēi’àn de shíkè.)
    (Translation: “Guardian angels illuminate our darkest moments.”)


  1. “Ангел-хранитель всегда с нами, поддерживая и защищая нас.”
    (Angel-khranitel’ vsegda s nami, podderzhivaya i zashchishchaya nas.)
    (Translation: “A guardian angel is always with us, supporting and protecting us.”)

  2. “Даже в самые трудные времена наши ангелы-хранители ведут нас.”
    (Dazhe v samyye trudnyye vremena nashi angely-khraniteli vedut nas.”)
    (Translation: “Even in the most difficult times, our guardian angels guide us.”)


  1. “Angeli semper adsunt iis qui tribulantur, ut susurrent eos cara esse in manu Dei.”
    (Translation: Adapted from Eileen Elias Freeman’s quote, meaning the same as the English version)

  2. “Angelus custos luceat tibi semper.”
    (Translation: “May your guardian angel always shine upon you.”)

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  1. “अभिभावक देवदूत हमेशा हमारे साथ होते हैं, हमारा मार्गदर्शन करते हैं और हमारी रक्षा करते हैं।”
    (Abhivyakta devdoot hamesha hamare saath hote hain, hamara margdharshan karte hain aur hamari raksha karte hain.)
    (Translation: “Guardian angels are always with us, guiding us and protecting us.”)

  2. “जब हम अकेला महसूस करते हैं तो अभिभावक देवदूत हमारी आशा और साहस का स्रोत होते हैं।”
    (Jab ham akela mehsus karte hain to abhivyakta devdoot hamari aasha aur saahas ka srot hote hain.)
    (Translation: “Guardian angels are our source of hope and courage when we feel alone.”)


  1. “Anioł Stróż zawsze czuwa, by nas chronić i prowadzić.”
    (Translation: “The Guardian Angel always watches over us, protecting and guiding us.”)

  2. “Nawet gdy idziemy przez ciemną dolinę, nasz Anioł Stróż jest z nami.”
    (Translation: “Even when we walk through the dark valley, our Guardian Angel is with us.” )


  1. “מלאכים שומרים הם החברים הנאמנים ביותר שלנו, כי הם איתנו כשהדמעות שמחות או עצובות זולגות מעינינו.”
    (Malachim shomrim hem ha-chaverim ha-ne’emanim shelanu, ki hem itanu k’she-ha-dmaot simcha o atzuvot zolgot me-eineinu.)
    (Translation: “Guardian angels are our most faithful friends, because they are with us when joyous or sorrowful tears flow from our eyes.” This is the French quote translated into Hebrew.)

  2. “מלאכי שרת מנחמים את בדידותנו ומפיחים בנו רוח שלווה.”
    (Malachei sharet menachamim et bedidutenu u-maf’ichim banu ruach shelava.)
    (Translation: “Guardian angels comfort our loneliness and instill within us a spirit of peace.”)


  1. “Οι φύλακες άγγελοι είναι τα αόρατα χέρια που μας βοηθούν όταν είμαστε πεσμένοι.”
    (Oi fylakes angeloi einai ta aorata cheria pou mas voithoun otan eimaste pesmenoi.)
    (Translation: “Guardian angels are the unseen hands helping us when we are down.”)

  2. “Οι άγγελοι μπορούν να πετάξουν επειδή παίρνουν τον εαυτό τους ελαφρά.”
    (Oi angeloi boroun na petaxoun epeidi pairnoun ton eafto tous elafria.)
    (Translation: “Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly.” The G.K Chesterton quote in Greek.)


  1. “Tá aingeal coimhdeachta i gcónaí gar do dhaoine atá ag caoineadh, chun a fhiosrú dóibh go bhfuil a gcuid is gile sábháilte i lámh Dé.”
    (Translation: Adapted from Eileen Elias Freeman’s quote, meaning the same as the English version)

  2. “Creid sna haingil ach ná bí ag cur iomarca de dhóchas iontu.”
    (Translation: “Believe in angels but do not place too much hope in them.” Irish proverb)


  1. “Malaika walinzi ni marafiki zetu waaminifu zaidi, kwa sababu wako pamoja nasi wakati machozi ya furaha au huzuni yanatiririka kutoka kwa macho yetu.
    (Translation: The French quote translated into Swahili)

  2. “Maisha bila upendo ni kama bustani bila jua.”
    (Translation: “A life without love is like a garden without sun.” The French proverb in Swahili)


  1. “수호 천사는 우리 곁에 있으며 올바른 길로 인도합니다.”
    (Suho cheonsa-neun uri gyeote iss-eumyeon olbar-eun gil-lo indohabnida.)
    (Translation: “Guardian angels are by our side and guide us onto the right path.”)

  2. “가장 어두운 순간에도 수호 천사가 우리의 등불이 되어 줍니다.”
    (Gajang eoduun sungan-edo suho cheonsa-ga uri-ui deungbul-i doe-eo jubnida.)
    (Translation: “Even in our darkest moments, guardian angels become our beacon of light.”)


  1. “Các thiên thần hộ mệnh luôn ở bên chúng ta, hướng dẫn và bảo vệ chúng ta.”
    (Các thiên thần hộ mệnh luôn ở bên chúng ta, hướng dẫn và bảo vệ chúng ta.)
    (Translation: “Guardian angels are always with us, guiding and protecting us.”)

  2. “Thiên thần hộ mệnh là nguồn hy vọng và can đảm của chúng ta khi chúng ta cảm thấy cô đơn.”
    (Thiên thần hộ mệnh là nguồn hy vọng và can đảm của chúng ta khi chúng ta cảm thấy cô đơn.)
    (Translation: “Guardian angels are our source of hope and courage when we feel alone.”)


  1. “Anděl Strážný je vždy s námi, chrání nás a vede.”
    (Translation: “A Guardian Angel is always with us, protecting and guiding us.”)

  2. “I když procházíme temným údolím, náš Anděl Strážný je s námi.”
    (Translation: “Even when we walk through the dark valley, our Guardian Angel is with us.”)


  1. “অভিভাবক দেবদূতরা সর্বদা আমাদের সাথে থাকে, আমাদের পথপ্রদর্শক এবং আমাদের রক্ষা করে।”
    (Obhibhabôk debdût-ra sôrbôda amader sathe thake, amader pôthprôdorshok ebong amader rôkkha kôre.”)
    (Translation: “Guardian angels are always with us, guiding us and protecting us.”)
  2. “যখন আমরা একা বোধ করি তখন অভিভাবক দেবদূত আমাদের আশা এবং সাহসের উৎস।”
    (Jôkhon amra eka bodh kori tôkhon obhibhabôk debdût amader asha ebong sahôser utsho.)
    (Translation: “Guardian angels are our source of hope and courage when we feel alone.”)


  1. “Os anjos da guarda estão sempre perto daqueles que sofrem, para sussurrar que seus entes queridos estão seguros nas mãos de Deus.”
    (Translation: The Portuguese version of Eileen Elias Freeman’s quote)

  2. “Anjos são como flores, eles enchem o mundo com sua beleza.”
    (Translation: “Angels are like flowers, they fill the world with their beauty.”)

Indigenous North American

  1. “The Great Spirit is in all things, he is in the air we breathe. The Great Spirit is our Father, but the Earth is our Mother. She nourishes us; that which we put into the ground she returns to us.” – Big Thunder (Bedagi), Algonquin
    (A belief in guiding spirits that may be ancestral or nature-based)

  2. “Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts.” – Hopi

Tagalog (Filipino)

  1. “Ang mga anghel na tagapagbantay ay palaging nasa tabi natin, gumagabay at nagpoprotekta sa atin.”
    (Translation: “Guardian angels are always by our side, guiding and protecting us.”)

  2. “Kapag tayo ay nag-iisa, ang mga anghel na tagapagbantay ang ating pinagmumulan ng pag-asa at lakas ng loob.”
    (Translation: “When we are alone, guardian angels are our source of hope and courage.”)

Yoruba (West Africa)

  1. “Àwọn àngẹ́lì olùṣọ́ jẹ́ àwọn ọ̀rẹ́ wa tí ó ṣeé gbígbé kàn jùlọ, nítorí wọ́n wà pẹ̀lú wa nígbà tí ojú wa ń rì ayọ̀ tàbí ìbànújẹ́.”
    (Translation: “Guardian angels are our most reliable friends, because they are with us when we experience joy or sorrow.”)

  2. “Àìní àbọ́ àngẹ́lì le ṣe kí ìgbàgbọ́ wa jinlẹ̀.”
    (Translation: “Lack of guardian angel protection can weaken our faith.”)


  1. “فرشتگان نگهبان همیشه در کنار ما هستند و ما را راهنمایی و محافظت می کنند.”
    (Fereshtegan negahban hamishe dar kenare ma hastand va ma ra rahnamaei va mohafezat mikonand.”)
    (Translation: “Guardian angels are always by our side, guiding and protecting us.”)

  2. “فرشتگان نگهبان دست های نادیدنی هستند که در هنگام ناامیدی به ما کمک می کنند.”
    (Fereshtegan negahban dastha-ye nadidani hastand ke dar hangam-e naomidi be ma komak mikonand.”)
    (Translation: “Guardian angels are unseen hands that help us when we are hopeless.”)

Quechua (Andean cultures)

  1. “Los Apus protegen a los caminantes del Ande. Ellos son nuestros ángeles guardianes.”
    (Translation: “The Apus [mountain spirits] protect the walkers of the Andes. They are our guardian angels.”)

  2. “Cuando sientas la brisa en tu rostro, es un Apu recordándote que nunca estás solo.”
    (Translation: “When you feel the breeze on your face, it’s an Apu reminding you you’re never alone.”)

Celtic Traditions

  1. “May the blessing of light be on you, light without and light within. May the blessed sunlight shine on you like a great peat fire, so that the stranger may come and warm himself at it, and also a friend.” – Old Celtic Blessing

  2. “There is an angel at your back to guide and protect you on your way.” – Irish Blessing


  1. “Just as a mother would protect her only child with her life, even so, cultivate a boundless heart towards all beings.” – The Buddha (Often interpreted as suggesting we each have inner protectors or guides)

  2. “May devas [celestial beings] protect you on all sides, both day and night, by the power of the Buddha, by the power of Truth, and by the power of the Community.” – Buddhist protective chant

Ancient Egyptian

  1. “May the winged goddess wrap you in her wings and guard you through the darkest of nights.” – Ancient Egyptian prayer (Winged goddesses such as Isis were seen as protectors)

  2. “Let your Ka lead you forth in peace, to travel upon beautiful ways. And may the West receive you in joy.” – Words from the Egyptian Book of the Dead (The Ka is a spirit double or guide)


  1. “Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed, and very dear.” – Unknown

  2. “Sometimes, the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” – A.A. Milne (Winnie the Pooh) (Suggesting that those passed over can become like guardian spirits for us)

Sufi (Mystical Islam)

  1. “The angels are so enamored of the beauty of God that they become lost to themselves and are always in a state of annihilation.” – Ibn Arabi (Sufi mystic and philosopher)

  2. “Each person has a special angel. When a tear falls in sadness, this angel gathers it and takes it to God, and your love is remembered.” – Sufi teaching

Kabbalistic (Jewish Mysticism)

  1. “Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, “Grow, grow!” – The Talmud (Suggesting angels are everywhere in the world, acting as guides)

  2. “When a righteous person dies, all the angels cry.” – Kabbalistic Proverb

Metaphysical & New Age

  1. “Guardian angels are extensions of Source energy, pure light and pure love, here to guide and nurture us on our earthly journey.” – Unknown

  2. “Your guardian angel never leaves your side, they are only a whisper away.” – Unknown

Native American (focus on nature spirits)

  1. “Everything on the earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it, and every person a mission. This is the Indian theory of existence.” – Mourning Dove (Christine Quintasket), Salish

  2. “We sit together, the mountain and I, until only the mountain remains.” – Zen Buddhist teaching (Similar to aspects of indigenous beliefs in spirits residing within nature)

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