40 Arabic Quotes with English Translations

Explore a curated collection of Arabic quotes with their English translations. Gain insights into a rich language and culture.

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Arabic Quotes


  • Arabic: من جدّ وجد
  • Transliteration: Man jadda wajada
  • Translation: He who works hard will find success.

On Patience:

  • Arabic: الصبر مفتاح الفرج
  • Transliteration: Al-sabr miftah al-faraj
  • Translation: Patience is the key to relief.

The Power of Knowledge:

  • Arabic: اطلبوا العلم من المهد إلى اللحد
  • Transliteration: Utlubu al-‘ilma min al-mahdi ila al-lahd
  • Translation: Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.

On Friendship:

  • Arabic: الصديق وقت الضيق
  • Transliteration: Al-sadiqu waqt al-deeq
  • Translation: A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Short and Wise:

  • Arabic: ربّ كلمةٍ تقول لصاحبها دعني
  • Transliteration: Rubba kalimatin taqoolu lisahibiha da’ni
  • Translation: Many a word has brought its speaker trouble. (Think before you speak.)

Arabic Quotes

On the Importance of Action:

  • Arabic: لا يَنبَغي للمَرءِ أن يَتكَلَّمَ إلا فيما يَحسِن
  • Transliteration: La yanbaghi lilmar’i an yatakallama illa fima yahsin
  • Translation: One should not speak except on that which they know well.

On the Value of Time:

  • Arabic: الوقت كالسيف إن لم تقطعه قطعك
  • Transliteration: Al-waqt kassayf in lam taqta’hu qata’ak
  • Translation: Time is like a sword. If you don’t cut it, it will cut you.

On Hope:

  • Arabic: إذا اشتدت المصائب فعليك بالصبر الجميل
  • Transliteration: Idha ishtadati al-masa’ib fa’alayka bilsabr al-jamil
  • Translation: When hardships intensify, have beautiful patience.

On Self-Belief:

  • Arabic: من وثق بنفسه لم يحتج إلى مدح الناس اياه
  • Transliteration: Man wathiqa binafsihi lam yahtaj ila madh al-nas iyiah
  • Translation: Those who believe in themselves don’t need the praise of others.

On Kindness:

  • Arabic: اصنع المعروف في أهله و في غير أهله ، فإن لم تجد أهله فأنت أهله
  • Transliteration: Isna’ al-ma’ruf fi ahlihi wa fi ghayri ahlihi, fa’in lam tajid ahlihi fa’anta ahlihi
  • Translation: Do good to those who deserve it and those who don’t, for if they don’t deserve it, you do.

On Perspective:

  • Arabic: رُبَّ ضَارٍ نافِع
  • Transliteration: Rubba darrin nafi’
  • Translation: Sometimes, harm may actually be beneficial. (There may be a silver lining)

On Character:

  • Arabic: إنما الأمم الأخلاق ما بقيت فإن هم ذهبت أخلاقهم ذهبوا
  • Transliteration: Innama al-umamu al-akhlaq ma baqiyat fa’in hum dhajabat akhlaquhum dhahabu
  • Translation: Nations only prevail with good morals. If their morals are gone, they are gone.

On the Pursuit of Dreams:

  • Arabic: لا تيأس فعادةً ما يكون آخر مفتاح في مجموعة المفاتيح هو المناسب لفتح باب القفل
  • Transliteration: La ta’yas fa’adatan ma yakun akhiru miftahin fi majmu’ati al-mafatih huwa al-munasib li fath bab al-qufl
  • Translation: Don’t despair, usually the last key on the keyring is the one that opens the lock.

On Forgiveness:

  • Arabic: خير الانتقام العفو
  • Transliteration: Khayr al-intiqam al-‘afw
  • Translation: The best revenge is forgiveness.

On Simplicity:

  • Arabic: جمال الرجل في فصاحة لسانه
  • Transliteration: Jamal al-rajul fi fasahati lisanihi
  • Translation: A man’s beauty lies in the eloquence of his tongue.
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On the Power of Words:

  • Arabic: اللسان سبع إن أطلقته أكلك
  • Transliteration: Al-lisan sab’un in atlaqt-hu akalak
  • Translation: The tongue is a beast; if you let it loose, it will devour you.

The Importance of Determination:

  • Arabic: مَن سَارَ عَلَى الدَرْب وَصَل
  • Transliteration: Man sara ‘ala al-darb wasal
  • Translation: He who walks the path, reaches the destination.

On Finding Your Way:

  • Arabic: لَا تَخَف مِنَ الْمَوْجِ فَإِنَّ السَّفِينَةَ لا تَغْرَقُ فِي اليَابِسَةِ
  • Transliteration: La takhaf mina al-mawji fa’inna al-safinata la taghraqu fi al-yabisati
  • Translation: Don’t be afraid of the waves, for the ship doesn’t sink on dry land. (Challenges make us stronger)

The Importance of Humility:

  • Arabic: تواضع تكن كالنجم لاح لناظر على رفعة و للمراكب مرشد
  • Transliteration: Tawaada’ takun kalnajmi laha lanathir ‘ala raf’atin wa lilmarakibi murshid
  • Translation: Be humble, and you will be like a star that appears to an observer to be high, and guides the ships.

On Inner Strength:

  • Arabic: ليس الشجاع من لا يخاف، بل الشجاع من يقاوم خوفه
  • Transliteration: Laysa al-shuja’ man la yakhaf, bal al-shuja’ man yuqawim khawfahu
  • Translation: The brave are not those who feel no fear, but those who face their fears.


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On Gratitude:

  • Arabic: من لم يشكر النعم فقد تعرّض لزوالها
  • Transliteration: Man lam yashkur al-ni’am faqad ta’arrada lizawaliha
  • Translation: Whoever does not show gratitude for blessings risks losing them.

On Self-Improvement:

  • Arabic: مَنْ لا يَتَعَلَّمْ في صِغَرِهِ، يَنْدَمْ في كِبَرِهِ
  • Transliteration: Man la yata’allam fi sigharih, yandam fi kibarih
  • Translation: Those who do not learn in their youth, regret it in their old age.

On Overcoming Challenges:

  • Arabic: لا تحزن على ما فاتك، فالقدر لا بد أن يأخذ مجراه
  • Transliteration: La tahzan ‘ala ma fatak, falqadar la budda an ya’khudh majrah
  • Translation: Do not grieve over what has passed, for destiny must take its course.

On the Value of Experience:

  • Arabic: رُبَّ تجربةٍ مريرةٍ، خيرٌ من نصيحةٍ جميلة
  • Transliteration: Rubba tajribatin muriratin, khayr min nasihatin jamila
  • Translation: Sometimes, a bitter experience is better than beautiful advice.

On Inner Peace:

  • Arabic: القناعة كنز لا يفنى
  • Transliteration: Al-qana’a kanz la yafna
  • Translation: Contentment is an inexhaustible treasure.

On the Power of Belief:

  • Arabic: حيثما توجد الإرادة توجد طريقة
  • Transliteration: Haythuma tujadul-iradah tujad tariqah
  • Translation: Where there is a will, there is a way.

On Taking Action:

  • Arabic: العمل هو الولد الشرعي للعلم
  • Transliteration: Al-‘amal huwa al-waladu al-shar’iyu lil-‘ilm
  • Translation: Action is the legitimate child of knowledge.

On the Company You Keep:

  • Arabic: قل لي من تعاشر أقل لك من أنت
  • Transliteration: Qul li man tu’ashir aqul lak man anta
  • Translation: Tell me who your companions are, and I’ll tell you who you are.

On the Beauty of Simplicity:

  • Arabic: أجمل الأشياء أبسطها
  • Transliteration: Ajmal al-ashya’ absatuha
  • Translation: The most beautiful things are the simplest.

On Facing the Unknown:

  • Arabic: ما تركت شيئاً لله إلا ورأيت عاقبته
  • Transliteration: Ma taraktu shay’an lillahi illa wa ra’aytu ‘aqibatahu
  • Translation: I never left anything in the hands of God except that I saw its positive outcome.

On Kindness and Compassion:

  • Arabic: لا تحقرنّ من المعروف شيئاً ولو أن تلقى أخاك بوجه طلق
  • Transliteration: La tahqiranna min al-ma’ruf shay’an wa law an talqa akhaka bi wajhin talaq
  • Translation: Do not underestimate any act of kindness, even if it is merely greeting your brother with a cheerful face.

On Overcoming Adversity:

  • Arabic: إن مع العسر يسرا
  • Transliteration: Inna ma’a al-‘usri yusra
  • Translation: Verily, with hardship comes ease. (A verse from the Quran emphasizing resilience)

On Legacy:

  • Arabic: العلم يبني بيوتا لا عماد لها والجهل يهدم بيت العز والكرم
  • Transliteration: Al-‘ilmu yabni buyutan la ‘imada laha wa al-jahlu yahdimu bayta al-‘izzi wa al-karam
  • Translation: Knowledge builds houses that have no pillars, while ignorance demolishes houses of honor and generosity.

On Self-Worth:

  • Arabic: لا تهتم بكثرة الأصدقاء، ولكن اهتم بصفاتهم
  • Transliteration: La tahatam bikathrati al-asdiqa’, walakin ihtam bisifatihim
  • Translation: Don’t worry about having many friends, but focus on their qualities.

On Facing Your Fears:

  • Arabic: لا تخف مما لا تعلم، فإن أكثر الظن إثم
  • Transliteration: La takhaf mimma la ta’lam, fa’inna akthara al-dhann ithm
  • Translation: Don’t fear the unknown, for most assumptions are wrong.

On the Pursuit of Knowledge:

  • Arabic: من يطلب العلم يبقى عمره طالباً، ومن ظن أنه قد استغنى فقد جهل
  • Transliteration: Man yutlub al-‘ilm yabqa ‘umrahu taliban, wa man zanna annahu qad istaghna faqad jahil
  • Translation: The seeker of knowledge will always remain a student, and whoever believes they have become sufficient (in knowledge) has become ignorant.

On the Power of Choice:

  • Arabic: نحن نتاج اختياراتنا
  • Transliteration: Nahnu nataj ikhtiyaratina
  • Translation: We are the product of our choices.

On Embracing Imperfection

  • Arabic: لا يكمل عقل امرئ حتى يتغافل عن كثير مما يرى
  • Transliteration: La yakmil ‘aql imri’in hatta yataghafal ‘an kathirin mimma yara
  • Translation: A person’s intellect is not complete until they overlook many of the things they see. (Sometimes it’s wise to ignore certain things).

On the Importance of Laughter:

  • Arabic: خير لك أن يراك الناس أحمق تضحك من أن يراك عاقلاً تبكي
  • Transliteration: Khayr lak an yaraka al-nasu ahmaqa tadhak min an yaraka ‘aqilan tabki
  • Translation: It’s better for people to see you as a happy fool than a wise person who cries.

On Resilience

  • Arabic: إنما يُعرف معدن المرء عند وقوع المصائب
  • Transliteration: Innama yu’raf ma’din al-mar’i ‘inda wuqu’ al-masa’ib
  • Translation: A person’s true worth is known when calamities strike.
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